Well, haven't I been the lazy one? Finally, here are some pics of Chabby House, Halloween 2015.
I go for a more creepy and chilling Halloween Haunt as opposed to the gore alot of haunts have these days. It scares a few of the little ones but the older seem to think it fun and not scary at all. I will have to work on that.
I rebuilt the pillars again this year. I went with a wood frame and covered in dry wall. They looked really good. I also, at my hubby's suggestion, added electrical to one so we can hide a few of our cords. I also revamped the arch itself. I covered them up over the winter so, fingers crossed, I don't have to do a lot of work on them again in 2016. We also added a better fence. I will be making more sections this year.
We built our first walk through this year. The ToTrs were met with the Grim Reaper. As the night wore on and it got colder, the batteries started to fail but it was cool while it lasted. By the time it was really dying, the kids were pretty much done. We picked up the Reaper at Canadian Tire. It lit up, spoke and had flapping wings.
This was the first section in the walk through this year. I was going for a creepy overgrown feel.
Our dropping spider hung out here, along with bugs and snakes. If you look close, you might be able to see him.
You can see the doorway into the next room, the witches' lair.
This is a pic of the witches' lair looking back toward the doorway. It definitely will need more lighting next year. It was too dark to see all the detail - potion bottles, etc. You can also see a bit of the altar beside the witch. She is facing two other witches - part of my haunt since the beginning - one stirring her cauldron and the other reading from the spell book.
This is a close up of the altar. We set up my hubby's monitor to show a ghost video - Ghostly Apparitions, from AtmosFearFX. People seemed to enjoy it. I am using more Celtic flavour of props - due to my wanting to promote the past meaning of Halloween as Samhain, a time to honour our ancestors and the dead.
The Scarecrow was at the top of the haunt where it turned to head back out. I had my jumping spider and skeleton here as well but they were hard to see in the dark. More planning to do for next year.
The last section to go through before you left the haunt was the crypt. This is where I had my ghosts. The one you can see lit up also made noise and moved which was pretty cool.
Again, this past year we suffered through the winds of late October but the temperature was good and we had more kids than ever before.
I have already started planning for 2016. I have picked up a couple of deer motors from FrightProps so I will have a couple more animated props.
This coming year will be harder as Halloween is on a Monday night but we will do our best. So, hope to see you in October! Bigger and Better!
Happy Haunting.